COVID-19 cell under microscope

COVID-19 High Risk Travel Exposures

As of January 31st, 2022, Weeneebayko Area Health Authority will be sharing all reported COVID-19 High Risk Travel Exposures within the James and Hudson Bay region. Please review them below:

Date of ExposureMode of TransportationCity of DepartureCity of ArrivalTime of DepartureWAHA Bulletin
2022-07-13Air Creebec Flight
#YN 871
Timmins, ONAttawapiskat, ON10:00 am2022-07-14-COVID-19-Exposure-.pdf
2022-07-08Air Creebec FlightTimmins, ONAttawapiskat, ON10:00 am2022-07-12-COVID-19-Exposure.pdf
2022-07-04Air Creebec FlightAttawapiskat,
Timmins, ON1:30 pm2022-07-12-COVID-19-Exposure.pdf
2022-06-07Thunder Air Flight
Timmins, ONAttawapiskat, ON8:30 am2022-05-08-COVID-19-Travel-Exposure.pdf
2022-05-24Air Creebec Flight
Kashechewan, ONKingston, ON with a stop in Moosonee, ON12:35 pm2022-05-26-Travel-Exposure-Notice-REVSIED.pdf
2022-05-15Thunder Air FlightTimmins, ONMoosonee, ON8:00 am2022-05-17-Travel-Exposure-Notice-1.pdf
2022-04-22Air Creebec Flight
Timmins, ONKashechewan, ON
with stops in Moosonee, ON,
Attawapiskat, ON,
and Fort Albany, ON
10:00 am2022-04-24-Travel-Exposure-Notice37.pdf
2022-04-12Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train Coach 2Cochrane, ONMoosonee, ON9:00 am2022-04-13-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-04-07Air Creebec FlightTimmins, ONAttawapiskat, ON9:00 am2022-04-11-Travel-Exposure-Notice-Double-Exposure.pdf
2022-04-06Thunder Air Flight Attawapiskat, ONTimmins, ON11:30 am2022-04-11-Travel-Exposure-Notice-4.pdf
2022-04-04Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 2
Cochrane, ONMoosonee, ON9:00 am2022-04-06-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-04-01Air Creebec FlightTimmins, ONPeawanuck, ON11:40 am2022-04-11-Travel-Exposure-Notice-Double-Exposure.pdf
2022-04-01Air Creebec FlightTimmins, ONMoosonee, ON12:30 pm2022-04-04-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-03-29Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 3
Moosonee, ONCochrane, ON5:00 pm2022-03-30-Travel-Exposure-Notice-1.pdf
2022-03-28Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 1 and 2
Cochrane, ONMoosonee, ON9:00 am2022-03-30-Travel-Exposure-Notice-1.pdf
2022-03-17Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 3
Cochrane, ONMoosonee, ON9:00 am2022-03-21-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-03-11Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 1
Cochrane, ONMoosonee, ON9:00 am2022-03-16-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-03-03Air Creebec Flight
Kingston, ONAttawapiskat, ON11:00 am2022-03-09-Travel-Exposure-Notice35.pdf
2022-02-18Air Creebec Flight
Kingston, ONAttawapiskat, ON4:00 pm2022-03-01-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-02-16Air Creebec Flight
Attawapiskat, ONKingston, ON12:00 pm2022-03-01-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-02-10Air Creebec Flight
#YN 841
Timmins, ONPeawanuck, ON9:00 am2022-02-14-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-02-09Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 3
Cochrane, ONMoosonee, ON 9:00 am2022-02-13-Travel-Exposure-Notice-1.pdf
2022-02-08Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 3
Moosonee, ONCochrane, ON 5:00 pm2022-02-13-Travel-Exposure-Notice-1.pdf
2022-02-07Thunder Airlines Flight
Moosonee, ONTimmins, ON1:30 pm2022-02-10-COVID-19-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-01-31Air Creebec Flight
Moosonee, ONKingston, ON2:45 pm2022-02-04-COVID-19-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf
2022-04-04Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express Train
Coach 2
Cochrane, ONMoosonee, ON9:00 am2022-04-05-Travel-Exposure-Notice.pdf


If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, call the phone number for your community.

Fort Albany, Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Peawanuck and Moosonee
Call the Porcupine Health Unit’s branch in Moosonee
1-705-336-2294 x 326
8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Moose Factory
Call the Moose Factory Health Centre
705-658-4220 between
8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Telehealth Ontario
after hours and weekends

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