Operation Remote Immunity Delivers COVID-19 Vaccines in Attawapiskat

Over three successful days, Attawapiskat First Nation community members rolled up their sleeves at Kattawapiskak Elementary School to help protect their community from COVID-19.

Gitchi-Meegwetch to Chief David Nakogee, community members and our partners helping to protect our elders, our people and our homeland.

If you think you may have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, first self-isolate and complete the on-line COVID-19 Self-Assessment to determine your next steps. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/self-assessment/

Remember, this is our shot! Together, let’s look after our loved ones and get vaccinated! We can protect our elders, our people, and our homeland.

Please continue to follow Public Health measures. Sanitize your hands, wear a mask, practice physical distancing.

For more information, visit



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