WAHA Nutrition Services: Balanced Plate Contest

During the month of November, the Nutrition Services department here at WAHA is running a community-based contest centered around building balanced meals. We encourage all members of the Weeneebayko Area to learn about healthy eating choices, share their plate and win prizes!

Rules and Eligibility

This contest will run throughout the month of November. Submissions must be entered no later than November 25th, 2021 at 12:00 pm.

How to Enter

  • Submit a picture of a balanced plate you have prepared, or a drawing of a balanced plate you have eaten or would like to eat!
    • If you would prefer to draw a picture of a balanced meal instead, you can use the template included (last slide) or draw on a sheet of paper from home.
  • You can post your photo in the comments of this post, or you can send it by email to nutrition@waha.ca
  • Your balanced place must include at least one fruit or vegetable, one source of protein and one whole grain.
  • You can enter up to five (5) times, but it must be a different meal (photo or drawing) each time.
  • You must note which age group you are entering for. This is important to ensure the prizes are age appropriate for the winners
    • Group A: Ages 5-10
    • Group B: Ages 11-16
    • Group C: Ages 17+
  • Parents and guardians can post on behalf of their children.

Who Can Enter?

  • All residents within the Weeneebayko Area (Moose Factory, Moosonee, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat and Peawanuck)
  • Ages 5+

What is a balanced plate?

A balanced place includes foods that give your body the nutrition it needs to feel good. It includes fruits or vegetables, a source of protein, and a source of whole grains.

Fruits and Vegetables: Give our body vitamins and minerals that help our body work to the best of its ability throughout the day.

  • All forms of vegetables and fruit are great options, including frozen, canned, and fresh.
  • Some examples of fruits and vegetables include spinach, carrots, broccoli, apples, strawberries, blueberries and more.

Protein: Gives our body the nutrition it needs to be strong and active.

  • Protein can come from both plant and animal foods.
  • Some examples of plant foods include beans, lentils, tofu, chickpeas, quinoa and more.
  • Some examples of animal foods include chicken, fish, moose, pork, goose, eggs and more.

Whole Grains: Give our body iron and fibre that helps our brain work and our stomachs feel good.

  • Some examples of whole grain include brown bread, brown rice, whole grain crackers, oatmeal, whole grain pastas and more.

A balanced plate looks different for everyone, and all of them are great! A balanced meal comes in many forms, including sandwiches, wraps, soups and chilis. Your balanced plate doesn’t have to look perfect to be delicious and nutritious!

Meet Haley Jenkins

Our new hospital Dietitian, Haley, is launching this contest as part of her work with Nutrition Services. Haley joins us from Newfoundland and Labrador, where she completed her dietetic internship and independent practice with Eastern Health. Haley is based out of Weeneebayko General Hospital where she provides Dietitian support to the IPD and Dialysis patients, as well as outpatient support to all of our communities along the James and Hudson Bay coasts. Haley Started with WAHA in August and is happy to be a part of the team!

Click the “Download File” button below to access the balanced plate template!


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