Community Notice of Access to Health Services

Dear Community Members,

The James and Hudson Bay region is experiencing rising cases of COVID-19.

In our efforts to minimize movement in the communities and region, all WAHA clinics are moving to virtual/telephone delivery only. The only patients to be seen face to face in clinics are those who are pre-screened by the clinician and deemed “URGENT/EMERGENT”. Clinicians are already conducting phone and virtual consultations, and this will continue to expand in all clinics over the next 14 days. 

Service Delivery Changes May 21st-June 3rd, 2021

WGH Family Medicine Clinic and Moosonee Health Centre: Physician Urgent Care clinics are scheduled Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 8:45am-3:15pm. Pre-Screening of patients will take place by clinicians to determine the most appropriate service method (in-person or virtual care)

WGH-Well Baby and Prenatal Clinics will continue Tuesdays from 8:45am-3:15pm. Some patients may be changed to virtual/telephone appts.

Medication Refill Clinics will continue Thursdays 1pm-3:15pm. Some appointments may be changed to virtual/telephone appts.

Coastal Clinics (Moosonee; Fort Albany; Attawapiskat): Nursing: Only Urgent/Emergent patients will be seen face to face. Virtual/telephone consultations will be the primary service delivery mode.

Lab tests and Xray’s: only emergency cases will be booked at all sites.

Operating Room: The OR will continue to function on an emergency basis only.

Dental Clinics/ OR:  Dental Clinics and OR cases will be emergencies only. If needed, please call the Dental Clinic to speak to a dentist for emergency assessment.

OTN Clinics: On a case-by-case basis some coastal physician consultations may occur via OTN/other options.

Diabetes Education Program: Virtual/telephone consultations only.

Mental Health Services: All visits will be completed by virtual /telephone. Emergency situations only will be face to face.

Timmins and Kingston appointments: Only emergency travel will be approved during the next 14 days.

*Please note that we are presently under a “No Visitor” directive at all WGH Sites.

Please call your local Public Health Team first if you concerned you are having COVID-19 symptoms Monday-Friday.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are available as usual 24/7.

WAHA Pandemic Incident Command Centre



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