Fort Albany First Nation: Community Update on WAHA Housing

Dear Chief & Council and Community Members,

Approximately three weeks ago, the nursing housing units near the Fort Albany hospital experienced flooding in the basements. Initial clean up and remediation has begun and is progressing. However, late night last Thursday, the Insurer/Contractors along with WAHA Infection Control and Occupational Health experts provided direction to have all nurses/families moved out of the units due to mould contamination and risk for illness.

We have been working with Chief Nakogee and our other contacts in community to secure more housing so that we can keep nurses in the community to take care of Elders who live in the hospital and the community at large. Our last resort is to transfer the Elders and nurses to Moose Factory due to an inability to secure other housing. Hospital services will be severely scaled down if this is the only option. We are NOT at this point yet and will share that information immediately with the Chief and Council if that decision is made.

Some community members have stepped up already with housing and we thank you very much. We continue to seek any potential housing in the community to house nurses for 1-3 months starting immediately, as we do not have a definitive timeline on remediation at present.

If you or anyone you know has any housing available, please contact Sheldon Ross or Chief Robert Nakogee immediately. Sheldon Ross can be contacted via cell at 249-313-0595

Thank you, Fort Albany, for your assistance.

WAHA Executive


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