Moderna COVID-19 walk-in vaccination clinic will take place in Moosonee


ORNGE paramedics are running a walk-in mass Moderna clinic today February 16th from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Moosonee Arena in Moosonee.

This clinic is for any Moosonee or Moose Factory residents 18 years of age and older that wish to get the vaccine.

The vaccine was developed by scientists worldwide who worked together to bring a safe and effective vaccine.

It’s essential that you must continue to practice public health measures once you and others are vaccinated. Continue to wash your hands, practice physical distancing and wear a mask. If you are not feeling well, stay home.

Remember, this is ours! Together, let’s look after our loved ones and get vaccinated! We can protect our elders, our people, and our homeland.

For more information on the vaccine, check out our website at

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