To our clients and staff:
Pleased be advised that as early as October 22nd, new measures will be implemented by many organizations that are used when travelling out of community to access health care.
The following slides show the measures that we are aware of to date. As the situation progresses, please be aware that additional organizations may implement measures, such as airlines, buses, trains, other health centres, etc.
For help accessing your COVID-19 vaccine receipt, please visit
Kingston General Hospital and Hotel Dieu Hospital: Please be advised that effective October 22nd, it is required that all family members, visitors and escorts show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination along with photo ID when entering Kingston General Hospital and Hotel Dieu Hospital.
Escorts and visitors must be registered and approved on the patient’s file. Exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis (e.g.: life threatening emergencies).
Air Creebec: Please be advised that effective October 30th, it is required that all persons to be transported by air, on schedules or charter flights departing from specified airports, will be required to show that they are fully vaccinated before boarding an aircraft.
There will be allowance for proof of negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours of travel to be provided by the traveller, but only until November 30, 2021. After that, only proof of fully vaccination will be required. Tests will no longer be accepted.
Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express and Bus Services:
Please be advised that currently, the Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express and bus services do not require proof of vaccination to board as they do not currently fall under the federal vaccine mandate on passenger rail and bus services.
Should ONR’s position in this matter change, ONR will do their best to notify all passengers and stakeholders of any changes to their position.