Resource: Process for Clients Using NIHB Medical Transportation Services

This process applies to WAHA clients using Non-Insured Health Benefits – Medical Transportation Services (NIHB MTS) to attend an out-of-community health care appointment.

Step 1: The client’s doctor or community health care provider sends a referral to Ininew Patient Services (IPS). IPS processes the referral and informs the client of their scheduled appointment. Client must let IPS know if they are attending their appointment. IPS does not make transportation arrangements or approve travel.

Step 2: Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) reviews the appointment information and determines if they can provide the client with NIHB MTS. ISC informs WAHA NIHB that the client is eligible for Medical Transportation Services.

Step 3: WAHA NIHB makes the client’s transportation arrangements.

*There may be instances where WAHA NIHB cannot provide the client with medical transportation (no seat available, no accommodation available or the request for transportation came too late for WAHA NIHB to make the arrangements). In these cases, the client has the choice to make their own way to their appointment and seek reimbursement from ISC or have the appointment rescheduled. Visit for details on client reimbursement.


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