COVID-19 Community Update: Staff screening procedures
There have recently been some questions regarding staff travelling to the region from other areas of the province, as well as questions about our process for screening these professionals to…
No confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our region
As of 7:30 p.m. today (March 28, 2020) there are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the James Bay and Hudson Bay region. If this should change we will notify…
COVID-19 Community Update: Urgent Care Clinics replace regular out-patient clinics until further notice
As of March 18, 2020, our regular appointment clinics are closed until further notice. However, we will continue to provide care for emergency and medically urgent dental, medical and mental…
COVID-19 Community Update: Visitor Access Restricted & Non-Urgent Medical Appointments Cancelled
As of 2:30 p.m. today (March 13, 2020) we have implemented a no visitors rule in our inpatient units/rooms unless directly involved in patient care, i.e. family caregivers, at all…
Community Bulletin: WAHA cancels all work-related travel in response to COVID-19
Dear Community Members: We are taking the extra precautionary steps to limit the potential spread of COVID-19 in our region in response to the case of COVID-19 confirmed today in…
COVID-19 Community Update # 4
The first case of COVID-19 in northern Ontario has been confirmed. At this time there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our region (James Bay and Hudson Bay region).…