The animated short film showcasing Cree heart health and access to remote care has been accepted into the Toronto Shorts International Film Festival
The University Health Network (UHN), in partnership with Transform HF and Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) teamed up to create an animated short film that dives into heart health accessibility in the North. It was co-developed by Rachel Corston (2023 TRANSFORM HF Summer Student from Moose Cree First Nation), Beatrice Chen (graduate student in the University of Toronto’s Master of Biomedical Communications), Elder Greg Spence (Director of Community Relations, WAHA), and Dr. Sahr Wali (Scientific Associate at UHN and Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research).
The animation highlights key themes from community members’ stories about managing their heart health, including difficulties accessing specialized care close to home and being offered treatment plans that respect cultural values. Despite these challenges, the resilience of our communities transcends throughout the animation, underscoring the importance of relationships with family, the land, and one’s emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
To view the short film, check it out by clicking here or watch below!
The story was also shared on CBC Northern Ontario and the Transform HF website.